Analytics Innovation Marketing

3 Key Skills for the Digitally Transformed Economy

I was recently listening to a news report in 2020 by Singapore state-owned media CNA, where Chief HR Officer of Singapore University of Technological Design, Dr Jaclyn Lee, outlined three of the most important skills to have in this new digital economy:

  1. Analytical and Computational Thinking Skills
  2. Innovation and Thinking out of the box
  3. Social Media Marketing

The interview particularly resonated with me as these are the skills which I have previously identified were important for my career development and listed as my top 3 skills on LinkedIn, and also in the summary statement too (Social Media is one form of Digital!) As my blog was created with the specific purpose to educate juniors and adult learners on analytics, innovation and marketing, I believed that it would be apt to share from my experience how I managed to build up my Analytics, Innovation and Social Media knowledge.

1. Analytics and Computational Thinking

Analytical skills has been around for the longest time, we may not know it, but the critical learning skills we have been exposed to all our lives also applies in terms of analytics.

For me, I acquired my analytics skills from my Business Analytics Education at Nanyang Business School! There are also several other Universities like National University of Singapore and Singapore Management University which has analytics courses as well!

Another way to gain this knowledge is from online courses. Coursera, EdX, Udemy are examples of online sites with free courses. In Singapore, the WSQ also offers adult learning courses in multiple courses including analytics and computational thinking!

To hear more about why I decided to specialise in Business Analytics, do read this post!

I also used my analytics knowledge to decipher the content of spam comments here!

2. Innovation

My experience with innovation is that the responsibility to build innovation lies in yourself. I always believed that I am an out-of-box thinker who will constantly find new ways to do things. These are some ways you could try improving on innovation!

I. Find new ways to do a project

Have you completed a work project or an assignment at school before and performed well? Now, think of another approach you could try to achieve the same, if not a better outcome. Many people would think that the end result is always important. While the end result is important, I always believe that the process is as well. Sometimes, I find myself consistently asking how I can do something better. While it does not always work, the thought process is also a good learning opportunity.

II. Get yourself more exposure to multiple fields

This may seem counter-intuitive to many who are interested in building their career in a one-track path, but from my experience, this was one way where I had the exposure to more innovation. I was fortunate to be able to do three MNC internships, where I had the exposure to the human resource, market research, product marketing and digital marketing functions, in the automotive, information technology and medical device industries. If you require some assistance in securing more MNC internships, do read this post!

I also had the chance to try out the consumer goods, retail and e-commerce industry at the same time by running my own startup, EcoTumble, where we offered Food Storage and Drinkware Solutions. While I was in charge of the marketing function, it was also important to learn how everything came together. Therefore, I also had the chance to take part in logistics, procurement, sales and strategy aspects of the business. I did this as part of the Minor in Entrepreneurship Programme in NTU, which I felt was a transformative experience and definitely recommend!

III. Always keep a continuous learning mindset

Adding a new point after having had a week of e-learning as a work incentive. As the saying goes, change is the only constant. In order to keep abreast of what our customer needs, we need to not only constantly change the environment, but also ourselves. In order to expose to more open innovation, learning is an integral part of it all. I had the chance to look through some of my general paper notes in junior college and realised the opportunity to read widely allowed me to learn so much more about how various parts of the economy are intertwined together in order to deliver value to consumers. Ultimately, innovation brings a solution to a unique problem that is faced based on changes in the economy.

3. Social Media Marketing

For people who grew up as digital natives, social media should be nothing foreign to us. For those who did not have the privilege of being exposed to social media since young, it is not too late to begin!

I have used social media since 2009, for my personal use, for my startup and also during my internship at KaVo Kerr.

Regardless of whether you have used social media before, there are some steps which can be followed. Here are some which crosses my mind:

I. Knowing your own personal brand

The first step to social media is knowing your own personal brand, what you stand for. For instance, I am personally interested in Analytics, Innovation and Marketing, and I want to help more people understand these fields!

II. Determine your Social Media Mix

The second step is to determine which social media to use. For instance, I would like more people to understand these fields which I am interested in, very academic fields. Therefore, I decided to turn to writing to get the knowledge across. The social channels which I have decided to use, which differs for what kinds of audience I want, is through LinkedIn (for Adult Learners) and Instagram (for the Student Population. I do occasionally use Twitter and Facebook to try to build Search Engine Traffic, still in the experimental stage, perhaps I might elaborate some day!

III. Decide on a posting schedule

The third step is to plan when to post. In order for social media to work, you will need to ensure that your readers/viewers are consistently engaged. This will keep them as returning users as your content is something which interests them. For instance, I have decided that on Mondays, I would post an Analytics or work-related post for my viewers to look forward to. I also wanted Friday as a leisure post day but it might prove to be tough as I am holding a full-time job as well and these posts do take up considerable time. Hence, it is important to also see not just what you want, but what is also theoretically possible from your schedule and nature of work!

That said I have not really prepared other posts on social media yet! Do let me know in the comments section on what kinds of social media posts you are interested in, or if you would like any elaboration on each of the paragraphs!

Sounds really daunting? It takes that first step to start learning and growing!

P.S. The links in this post are not sponsored.

If you liked this page, do bookmark this site, or follow us on our LinkedIn page.

Want to build analytics into your management decisions? This post may be for you.

Want to build other core and relevant skills? Do look at this post!

Want to track your website traffic using Google Analytics? This post shows you how.

Image Credits: Photo by NASA on Unsplash
Original Post: 3 Aug 2020, Updated 27 Jun 2021

Analytics Marketing University

NTU-NBS Course Registration Guide

It’s the time of the year for students to take part in course registration again. Having already graduated for one year already, and understanding the full time work perspective, curating this post adds even more depth to my own reflections and hope it does in helping you choose your courses to register too.

Choosing What to Major / Specialise In for Business

If you’re new to this website and may be still in consideration of your business specialisation, you might want to read why I decided to do business analytics, and a comparison between business analytics and marketing, which were two of the specialisations I was contemplating between, but of course I still took a MiniMasters in Marketing afterwards.

Choosing Business Major Courses:

Notwithstanding the ever elusive STARS Wars Course Registration, when picking your major courses, my general rule of thumb would be picking the course which is relevant to you and what you are gearing yourself up for in the future, or would love exposure to. I have done Business Analytics and enough research on Marketing (I did one Marketing Analytics Module as an elective and it’s now a core.) to share my two cents.

For Business Analytics:
The possible tracks are in Finance, Operations and Consulting.
Do refer to this post on what modules to gear you on the right business analytics track.

For Marketing:
The possible tracks (I believe) are in the following:
Marketing Research:
Market Intelligence (I did this as a Masters Level Course which you may want to refer to)
Consumer Neuroscience: How Brain Science Is Informing Business
Marketing Communications:
Integrated Marketing Communications
Channel Value Creation
Marketing Strategy & Management:
Modern and Emerging Technologies in Marketing
Marketing Strategy (I did this as a Masters Level Course which you may want to refer to)

Choosing your Electives / Minor Courses:

For Minor/Electives, my general rule of thumb is to pick what interests you, and of course if it interests you and gives you a leg up in your career that is even better. For myself, I knew I was really interested in giving it a run at running and business and also an interest in the intersection between management and business analytics, so I supplemented my learning with a Minor in Entrepreneurship, as well as various marketing electives in Marketing Analytics, Luxury Brand Management and Product Innovation.

Other important and emerging fields which I have are:
1. Environmental sustainability which would get important as ESG reporting and triple bottom line emerges
2. Communications especially when it’s a world of increasing transformation and uncertainty and communications becomes more paramount.
3. Computer Science as the world is increasingly digital and it does not hurt to speak in algorithms and programming languages.
4. Foreign Languages especially if you have a flair for language but not the programming language, since the world is becoming more globalised and knowing foreign languages open doors to many new opportunities all around the world.

Do read more about selecting your general electives over here.


Hope that this post would have allowed you to give some thought over selecting your electives and all the best for the upcoming semester!

Newsflash: We have also did a tiering of modules in NBS and NTU on our Youtube Channel!

If you liked our post, do bookmark this site, or follow us on our LinkedIn page as we look forward to curating new content for you regularly.

Image Credits: Photo by Wengang Zhai on Unsplash
Course Content from NBS Website

Analytics Management University

3 Reasons Why I Make it a Point to Contribute back to University

Recently, I attended Nanyang Business School’s Fireside Chat for newly admitted students as an Alumni Co-host in the Business Analytics breakout room. This was my third event at Nanyang Technological University ever since I graduated. It felt like I was transported back to the time when I was selecting which university to head to five years ago, having to make an informed choice to cap off my years of formal education.

The post today is about 3 reasons why you should contribute back to the university community after graduation, be it through events, content writing (what I’m doing too), and mentorship. As a business graduate is always a win-win for everyone, and while the listeners gain, I feel I gain a lot as a speaker too!

#1 Being Able to Learn New Perspectives

I realised that one of the benefits to return to my alma mater to do sharings is that I can learn many new perspectives. I came to realise that people of different generations and backgrounds think very differently. I learned about the thought process which goes through the current student’s mind as they look at the next steps of their journey. One question which got me thinking was when thinking about Co-curricular Activities (CCAs) to join, which would be the most helpful in the business context, which of course I responded that there is no hard and fast rule and you are the master of your own ship. However, that did set me thinking of how much forward-thinking the next batch of students seen to be… Or perhaps I’m the only one who had not thought so far ahead when choosing a course, I knew I wanted to run a business and add value to society, which I did run one during my university days!

If you would like to learn about my perspective of university life, do read my graduation reflection post.

#2 Honing Listening and Public Speaking Skills

Another benefit of attending alumni events was honing my listening and public speaking skills. Being placed in a room of eager-eyed prospective students who ask any questions which you can possibly imagine, I found it interesting to have had the chance to thoughtfully formulate original answers to a new audience confidently over time! Over till my third event, I felt that I am improving in terms of my public speaking skills, experimenting with the various ways that I can potentially use to bring a message across.

I remember that back during my days as a Toastmaster, I hear that public speaking is the biggest fear of most people, of which I say yes I’m still fearful that I may make a mistake, but being able to articulate your thoughts clearly is a very important skill that I’m consistently improving on!

#3 Critical Reflection of Your Experiences

I felt that attending an Alumni event was also a chance to critically reflect on my experience. Through the various engagements I had about university life, internships, exchange and curriculum, I had the chance to narrate the experience I had and in the process realise how much of a transformative experience I went through.

One of the experiences I got asked about was whether I was already decided on Business Analytics when I entered university, and I responded that it was an informed choice between two majors, Business Analytics and Marketing.

Another experience was about the Stars Wars in university, which basically means course registration, it was ironic though when I responded that I hardly faced any issues, but when there’s an issue, there was a member in the undergraduate office team to assist, who coincidentally was the moderator in the room!

Thus, these back to school experiences I had removed any Halo effect or contrast effect of one’s experience and allowed me to objectively reflect.

Hope you liked our post today. Do bookmark this site, leave a comment in the section below, and follow us on our LinkedIn page as we look forward to curating new content for you every week.

Thinking of heading to university but can’t get decided? Do read our analysis of the Graduate Employment Survey 2020 here!

Photo Credits: Screenshot with Virtual Background designed by Nanyang Business School


Analytics: Analysing Fortune Global 500 Companies with Tableau

Today, we will explore the top 500 companies in the world with Tableau! (Inspired by touching Tableau at work non-stop and assisting with lots of queries for the past two weeks! Yes, I keep getting inspired from work.)

Recently, I had the chance to use Analytics Software, Tableau at work, which reminded me that I have a student license which has recently been renewed during my digital marketing class. While I could, it’s time to demonstrate the capability of Tableau to be showcased on my blog. One of the reasons why I would use Tableau is the ease of use. Of course since that comes with a hefty price tag, we could always use PowerBI (too bad I’m a Mac User here though so no PowerBI for me!)

Where are Fortune Global 500 Companies Located?

The countries where each Fortune Global 500 Company is Located
The countries where each Fortune Global 500 Company is Located

Fortune Global 500 Companies are Located in a total of 35 countries. The countries are:
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bermuda, Brazil, Britain, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, USA.

Which Countries Have the Most Fortune Global 500 Companies?

China and USA are tied at having the most Fortune Global 500 Companies

Well a surprising answer to the question! We managed to get a tie between the USA and China, with 121 Companies in the Fortune Global 500 in 2020 each!

Which Country has the Most Total Revenue Earned by Fortune Global 500 Companies (In USD Millions)?

USA Companies Earned the Most Revenue in 2020.

Despite having the same number of Global 500 Companies in USA and China, the companies in the USA has generated above 20% more revenue than in China in 2020. The third largest revenue is generated by Japan, followed by Germany, France, UK, etc.

Which Fortune Global 500 Companies Hire the Most Employees?

Walmart Hired the Most employees, followed by China Natural Petroleum and China Post.

In 2020, the company which hired the most employees is Walmart, at 2.2 Million, that is about 1/3 of Singapore’s (My Home Country) Population!

Dashboarding and Filtering

A look into Japan on the Fortune Global 500

Since we have talked enough about China and USA, I decided to take a look further into a third country on the list, Japan. I clicked on Japan on the world map to filter the revenue earned, as well as seeing the largest Japanese companies in terms of Employment. The largest Fortune Global 500 employer in Japan is Toyota, with 360k employees, followed by Nippon with 319k employees.

Do you know what else comes from Japan? Ramen, and here’s some pricing analytics on Ramen prices!

Wow it’s quite hard to show this analysis on the blog, perhaps it is time to create a new YouTube Channel on the analysis or something to show videos.

Will definitely miss having Tableau once my student license expires.

Hope you liked our Analysis of the Global 500 Companies. Now that we are done analysing companies, how about analysing universities in Singapore?

If you liked this page, do bookmark this site, or follow us on our LinkedIn page.

Image Credits: Original Artwork by Tan Wei Xiang
Data Source:

Analytics Management

University Choice Analytics: GES 2020 Summarised for You

University Choice Analytics: Recently, the Ministry of Education of Singapore released the results of Joint Autonomous University Graduate Employment Survey in Singapore. I remembered a few years back where I would also be one of those prospective university students who would consistently be looking at these results. While I believe that your choice of university and course should not be solely on the salary that you receive, here are some analysis of the Graduate Employment Survey 2020 of 138 Courses on which University and Course you should go to: (i.e. National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Management University, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore University of Social Sciences)

Top 10 Courses in University (Median Salary)

For the top 10 (well actually 11 due to a tie) courses this year, the Median Salary (50th percentile) received by a Fresh Graduate is S$5,000 and above, with the highest Median Salary being from Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Business School Double Degree in Business (Business Analytics) and Computer Engineering/Computing. Two other Analytics related courses from SMU and NUS also made the top 10! Do read up more on why I picked Business Analytics as a specialisation here!

The top universities of choice seem to be Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore and Singapore Management University! The top course verticals (based on my own classification) are Business, Science, Medicine, Computing and Law.

UniversityVerticalDegreeMedian Salary
NTUBusinessDouble Degree in Business and Computer Engineering/Computing $5,400 
NUSScienceBachelor of Science with Honours$5,350 
NUSMedicineBachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery$5,250 
NUSComputingBachelor of Computing (Computer Science) $5,243 
SMUComputingInformation Systems Cum Laude and above $5,000 
SMULawLaw Cum Laude and above $5,000 
NUSLawBachelor of Laws$5,000 
NUSComputingBachelor of Computing (Information Security) $5,000 
NUSBusinessBachelor of Science (Business Analytics) $5,000 
NUSComputingBachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering) $5,000 
Top 10 Singapore University Courses in terms of Median Salary.

Bottom 10 Courses in University (Median Salary)

For the bottom 10 (12, due to tie) courses this year, the Median Salary received by a Fresh Graduate was S$3,000 and below. The Universities in this list is a good mix of technological and newer universities, with a combination of verticals from Business, Education, Science, Medicine and Humanities and Social Sciences.

UniversityVerticalDegreeMedian Salary
SUSSEducationBachelor of Early Childhood Education$3,000 
SUSSBusinessBachelor of Accountancy $3,000 
NTUBusinessAccountancy $3,000 
NTUMedicineBiomedical Sciences and Chinese Medicine$3,000 
SITBusinessBachelor of Hospitality Business with Honours $3,000 
SITScienceBachelor of Food Technology with Honours $2,975 
SUSSBusinessBachelor of Human Resource Management $2,950 
SUSSBusinessBachelor of Science in Marketing $2,900 
NTUHumanities and Social ScienceArt, Design and Media $2,800 
SITHumanities and Social ScienceBachelor of Arts with Honours in Communication Design $2,800 
SITHumanities and Social ScienceBachelor of Arts with Honours in Interior Design $2,700 
SITBusinessBachelor of Business Administration in Food Business Management$2,625 
Bottom 10 Singapore University Courses in terms of Median Salary.

Analysing by the Verticals

With so many options, it might be difficult to narrow down your options. Therefore, we are making it simpler for you through summaries of which course vertical you might want to select! We have done the analysis using Excel Pivot Tables and Charts to Visualise the results for you! On average, you will expect to receive the highest salary in Law and the lowest from Humanities and Social Sciences.

Visualising and Ranking the Average Salary for a Fresh Graduate based on course vertical.
Law $                      4,863
Computing $                      4,455
Medicine $                      4,425
Architecture $                      3,950
Engineering $                      3,754
Science $                      3,651
Business $                      3,574
Education $                      3,475
Humanities and Social Science $                      3,462
Some numbers if you are interested in the specific numbers derived through excel pivot tables.

Analysing by the Universities

With 6 Universities, you may also want to know which university would give you the largest return in terms of salary! Here’s another analysis with Excel Pivot Tables and Charts for Visualisation! From the Data, we can see that Singapore University of Technology and Design has the highest starting salary and Singapore University of Social Sciences having the lowest.

Visualising and Ranking the Universities by Salary.
SUTD $                      4,075
SMU $                      4,053
NUS $                      3,995
NTU $                      3,731
SIT $                      3,494
SUSS $                      3,100
Another set of specific numbers if you are into the details.

Best Course Vertical in terms of Median Salary in Each University

In this part, we wanted to know verticals had the highest salary for each of the universities. Here are the answers!

Nanyang Technological University: Business, Computing, Medicine

National University of Singapore: Law, Computing, Medicine

Singapore Institute of Technology: Computing

Singapore Management University: Law, Computing

Singapore University of Social Sciences: Humanities and Social Sciences

Singapore University of Technology and Design: Engineering

Analysing the best course in terms of average salary in each university.


Having said all these, do note that this report is only informative in nature. While the starting salary may be an important factor, remember that that is only one of the considerations. Some other factors include passion, interest and more!

Hope that this article is helpful in making an informed choice for the next phase of your education!

If you ended up deciding on Business School, do read our post on how to make the most of your business school experience!

If you liked this page, do bookmark this site, or follow us on our LinkedIn page.

Original Cover Photo by Tan Wei Xiang (University Logos from Google Images)
Datasets obtained from Singapore Ministry of Education: