University Choice Analytics: GES 2020 Summarised for You

University Choice Analytics: Which University in Singapore is for you?

University Choice Analytics: Recently, the Ministry of Education of Singapore released the results of Joint Autonomous University Graduate Employment Survey in Singapore. I remembered a few years back where I would also be one of those prospective university students who would consistently be looking at these results. While I believe that your choice of university and course should not be solely on the salary that you receive, here are some analysis of the Graduate Employment Survey 2020 of 138 Courses on which University and Course you should go to: (i.e. National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Management University, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore University of Social Sciences)

Top 10 Courses in University (Median Salary)

For the top 10 (well actually 11 due to a tie) courses this year, the Median Salary (50th percentile) received by a Fresh Graduate is S$5,000 and above, with the highest Median Salary being from Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Business School Double Degree in Business (Business Analytics) and Computer Engineering/Computing. Two other Analytics related courses from SMU and NUS also made the top 10! Do read up more on why I picked Business Analytics as a specialisation here!

The top universities of choice seem to be Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore and Singapore Management University! The top course verticals (based on my own classification) are Business, Science, Medicine, Computing and Law.

UniversityVerticalDegreeMedian Salary
NTUBusinessDouble Degree in Business and Computer Engineering/Computing $5,400 
NUSScienceBachelor of Science with Honours$5,350 
NUSMedicineBachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery$5,250 
NUSComputingBachelor of Computing (Computer Science) $5,243 
SMUComputingInformation Systems Cum Laude and above $5,000 
SMULawLaw Cum Laude and above $5,000 
NUSLawBachelor of Laws$5,000 
NUSComputingBachelor of Computing (Information Security) $5,000 
NUSBusinessBachelor of Science (Business Analytics) $5,000 
NUSComputingBachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering) $5,000 
Top 10 Singapore University Courses in terms of Median Salary.

Bottom 10 Courses in University (Median Salary)

For the bottom 10 (12, due to tie) courses this year, the Median Salary received by a Fresh Graduate was S$3,000 and below. The Universities in this list is a good mix of technological and newer universities, with a combination of verticals from Business, Education, Science, Medicine and Humanities and Social Sciences.

UniversityVerticalDegreeMedian Salary
SUSSEducationBachelor of Early Childhood Education$3,000 
SUSSBusinessBachelor of Accountancy $3,000 
NTUBusinessAccountancy $3,000 
NTUMedicineBiomedical Sciences and Chinese Medicine$3,000 
SITBusinessBachelor of Hospitality Business with Honours $3,000 
SITScienceBachelor of Food Technology with Honours $2,975 
SUSSBusinessBachelor of Human Resource Management $2,950 
SUSSBusinessBachelor of Science in Marketing $2,900 
NTUHumanities and Social ScienceArt, Design and Media $2,800 
SITHumanities and Social ScienceBachelor of Arts with Honours in Communication Design $2,800 
SITHumanities and Social ScienceBachelor of Arts with Honours in Interior Design $2,700 
SITBusinessBachelor of Business Administration in Food Business Management$2,625 
Bottom 10 Singapore University Courses in terms of Median Salary.

Analysing by the Verticals

With so many options, it might be difficult to narrow down your options. Therefore, we are making it simpler for you through summaries of which course vertical you might want to select! We have done the analysis using Excel Pivot Tables and Charts to Visualise the results for you! On average, you will expect to receive the highest salary in Law and the lowest from Humanities and Social Sciences.

Visualising and Ranking the Average Salary for a Fresh Graduate based on course vertical.
Law $                      4,863
Computing $                      4,455
Medicine $                      4,425
Architecture $                      3,950
Engineering $                      3,754
Science $                      3,651
Business $                      3,574
Education $                      3,475
Humanities and Social Science $                      3,462
Some numbers if you are interested in the specific numbers derived through excel pivot tables.

Analysing by the Universities

With 6 Universities, you may also want to know which university would give you the largest return in terms of salary! Here’s another analysis with Excel Pivot Tables and Charts for Visualisation! From the Data, we can see that Singapore University of Technology and Design has the highest starting salary and Singapore University of Social Sciences having the lowest.

Visualising and Ranking the Universities by Salary.
SUTD $                      4,075
SMU $                      4,053
NUS $                      3,995
NTU $                      3,731
SIT $                      3,494
SUSS $                      3,100
Another set of specific numbers if you are into the details.

Best Course Vertical in terms of Median Salary in Each University

In this part, we wanted to know verticals had the highest salary for each of the universities. Here are the answers!

Nanyang Technological University: Business, Computing, Medicine

National University of Singapore: Law, Computing, Medicine

Singapore Institute of Technology: Computing

Singapore Management University: Law, Computing

Singapore University of Social Sciences: Humanities and Social Sciences

Singapore University of Technology and Design: Engineering

Analysing the best course in terms of average salary in each university.


Having said all these, do note that this report is only informative in nature. While the starting salary may be an important factor, remember that that is only one of the considerations. Some other factors include passion, interest and more!

Hope that this article is helpful in making an informed choice for the next phase of your education!

If you ended up deciding on Business School, do read our post on how to make the most of your business school experience!

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Original Cover Photo by Tan Wei Xiang (University Logos from Google Images)
Datasets obtained from Singapore Ministry of Education: