Innovation Cover


Innovation is another topic I consistently keep abreast on. Having had a minor in Entrepreneurship, as well as being a change agent at work, I am no stranger to innovation.

Innovation Defined

Innovation from my own definition is basically providing a solution to a problem that is faced. As a business analyst, I am consistently thinking of creative recommendations to tackle a business problem through engaging stakeholders and quantitative research.

Another aspect to look at is innovating and running your own start up, you will always address a particular need in the process.

Innovation in Action

One of the ways to conduct innovation is to look at the business model canvas, which looks at multiple aspects to form a lean start up. Here are a few examples of the business model canvas in action:

I also observed some similarity of the business model canvas to the strategic business functions. (Less legal which I just realised I didn’t include.)

The Future of Innovation

While innovation concepts are continually developing, I had a chance to attend a couple of seminars in recent weeks and learned about the trends towards Agile methodology, lean startup, and design thinking concepts. Will expand on these if I have the opportunity to!

Developing Innovative Skills

While I feel there should not be a clear indication at what is an innovative skill, I do believe that there are skills that innovators would need to stay abreast of the future economy. These include topics in analytics & computing, innovation and social media marketing. Therefore, I have also prepared a full post here on building skills for the digitally transformed economy.

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Image Credits: Photo by Ameen Fahmy on Unsplash